Hi again. Sorry, it’s been awhile since I have addressed the pages of our web.  The Band has gone through some changes in that time.

We miss John Tonin very much as he pursues other interests. He is living with his family in Guelph and still loving life as he always has. Keep it going John.

The band kept playing during the transition time as a Trio with the remaining 3 members being joined by guest appearances by friends such as Fred Hale, Dave Roddenburg, Ken Munshaw and others.

In April of 2014 we welcomed a Kick Ass guitarist and powerful singer by the name of Johnathan Knight, a local blues and rock musician. The band is re-energized by this amazing new talent who has brought an amazing new outlook to The Lulus Band and a new fun attitude. Awesome. We have been playing non-stop since then and we are Showing the new guy our friends and what a great time we have during the holiday season, which leads us into the New Year.

We are having our 9th annual Lulus New Years Eve Reunion at The Ball Room of Bingemans . The Past years we have invited some of our Alumni and a Guest appearance of Fred and Janet Hale of Blackwater Draw. Same this year. Why mess up a good thing.

We will be selling Tickets through as well as at the front desk of Bingeman’s. There will be limited tickets available at the door on New Years as well. The same price as other years of $30 a seat. . We will reserve a table for you with the purchase of 8 tickets or more , otherwise it’s 1st come etc. . The doors open at 8PM and the party ends at 1AM. We do so look forward to seeing our friends again.

Love ya all Michael T.

A 2012 Holiday Message From The Lulus Band

I can’t believe that the Holiday Season is upon us already. Time to get ready for our  Lulu’s New Years Eve Reunion .  It is of course at Bingeman’s Marshall Hall again and the same price for tickets as the last few years.  $30.  Available at Bingemans Front Desk and at KOOL  FM Front Desk.  The easy way is to go to   click on “Events” find our date and Buy Tickets.  We have a surprise this year with the addition of another band sharing the stage. ” Black Water Draw ”  with Fred and Janet Hale will be our special guests along with some alumni of the Lulu’s  Band and The Under-Cover Horn Line.   Doors open at 8:00 PM and goes till 1:00 AM. Limited seating so get tickets early.  Hope to see you all there.


Michael T.

Spring’s a Comin’

   Ola.  Michael T. Here again.  The Christmas parties are over  ( great fun )   the 7th Lulus New Years Eve Reunion (  at Bingeman’s again and the best ever )   We want to thank all the revelers for coming out for our 7th party and making it so special.  We’re going to be posting a lot of pics and video from that special night. If next year is even half as much fun it will be a big success.  Thank you all again.
               o, now that I’m back fro my winter layover in Mexico, it’s time to address the up-coming year.  I can’t believe all the bookings that are coming in.  This may prove to be the best spring and summer in years.  We hope to see a lot of old friends and of course meet some new ones.  Please feel free to drop us a line at G-Mail or The lulu’s Band on Facebook.  We’d love to hear from you.  perhaps we’ll meet at the beach this summer.  Take care and Adios Amigos

Lulus Christmas/New Year’s Eve 2011 Party Mode

Michael T. Here….    We are now in full Christmas Party Mode and our focus has shifted to the holidays.  I want to thank all the partiers who costumed-up for our 5th annual Ha-lulu-ween party at the Wax in downtown Kitchener.

It became apparent that our party crowd prefers the surroundings at Bingemans and we will be back there next year. But that’s a whole year away.

Let’s start to think about — The 7th Annual New Years Eve Lulus Reunion.  All systems are looking great for a wonderful party again at our comfortable confines of Bingemans Marshall Hall.  This Year K-FUN, sister station to KOOL-FM, will be our corporate sponsor and the proceeds will be going to K-FUN’s ongoing charity , The Grand River Cancer Research Center.

Tickets are the same as last year at $30 and can be obtained at  Bingeman’s front desk or on-line at   (  go to ‘Events’ and click on our event “Buy Tickets” ) . You can also pick up tickets at KOOL FM’s front desk.  Look for free tickets on K-FUN contests.  We will again have Lulu’s Alumni, Guest Artists, Party Favors, Cash Bar and Cash Food Line, Our famous colored balloons and a full night of dancing to the Lulus Band.

Get your tickets early.  We cut off sales at 1000. Doors will open at 8:00 PM and go till 1:00 AM     Happy Holidays everyone.

Welcome To The Lulus Band Official Website

Michael T. here. The summer has left us and we had a great time playing our beach parties and summer festival shows but time to face the rest of the year that a lot of us have little use for, but we make the best of it. Autumn is upon us so that means 1stly, Octoberfest. Yay! A beer festival. 1st weekend at Bingemans on the Saturday night and the 2nd weekend at The Rec Center, Waterloo. ( I love sausage )
We follow up Octoberfest with our now annual 4th – Wait for it — Hal-LULU-Ween Spooktacular –. For the Previous 3 years we have had this costume party at Bingemans in Kitchener and had great response from the public with amazing costumes and a really fun evening. Due to scheduling with WLU and their 100 Anniversary events, Bingemans is sad to say. “Not this year kids. Sorry” So we, being totally undaunted , are taking our party to The WAX, A fabulous venue in downtown Kitchener , above BOBBY O’BRIENS, almost across from City Hall. On Sat. October 29th for a mere $10, you can do your costume thing and win cash prizes. $300 for best costume — $300 for best couple or group – $200 for most original – $100 for funniest – and $100 for the bands favorite. ( usually the most provacative. I mean we are low-life musicians) Tickets are on sale at BOBBY O’BRIENS and KOOL FM and at the door (for a slightly elevated fee, $15) . You can call for tickets at 519 123 4567 or on line at You can also purchase tickets at KOOL FM in Waterloo 519 884 4470 or go to Kool’s web site for info. All proceeds for Cancer Research. See you there.
Our Christmas Parties start in Mid-November with our 7th New Years Eve Lulus Reunion coming back to Bingemans again. Look for more info in weeks to come.