A 2012 Holiday Message From The Lulus Band

I can’t believe that the Holiday Season is upon us already. Time to get ready for our  Lulu’s New Years Eve Reunion .  It is of course at Bingeman’s Marshall Hall again and the same price for tickets as the last few years.  $30.  Available at Bingemans Front Desk and at KOOL  FM Front Desk.  The easy way is to go to    www.bingemans.com   click on “Events” find our date and Buy Tickets.  We have a surprise this year with the addition of another band sharing the stage. ” Black Water Draw ”  with Fred and Janet Hale will be our special guests along with some alumni of the Lulu’s  Band and The Under-Cover Horn Line.   Doors open at 8:00 PM and goes till 1:00 AM. Limited seating so get tickets early.  Hope to see you all there.


Michael T.