Mark Willms


Mark Willms

Mark joined the Lulu’s Band in 1988, at age 28, bringing passion, keyboard prowess and a strong baritone vocal presence.  With a BA in music from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Mark has been a professional musician for over 35 years.  Mark loves to play and entertain and it shows. In 2002, Mark was discovered by Sophia Coppola at the Tokyo Park Hyatt and cast as ‘Carl West’ in the Academy Award winning movie, “Lost in Translation”.
   He has entertained millions of people in 25 countries around the world, including countries New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, and great cities like Dubai, Hong Kong and Tokyo.  He has toured North America with numerous country artists including Geoge Fox and Jason McCoy, and even toured as ‘Benny’ for 3 years with the world renowned ‘Bjorn Again’, an Abba tribute act.
   In 2009 he released his critically acclaimed CD “Release”, to follow his solo piano CD “Stories My Piano Told Me”, both available at  Mark continues to work in his recording studio, Synchronous Music, and he continues to balance his work with the great Lulu’s Band, his solo work, and ongoing tours.
   For more information please check out:
Mark’s Website:
Lost In Translation:

Mark’s solid keyboard and vocal stylings  round out the core Lulu’s Band and are especially showcased when providing clients with dinner music or accompaniment for almost any occasion.